Assembly Commission



Presiding Officer’s office, 4th floor - Tŷ Hywel



Wednesday, 11 November 2015



12.30 - 12.50




Minutes:  AC(4)2015(13)




Commission Members:


Dame Rosemary Butler AM (Chair)

Peter Black AM

Angela Burns AM

Sandy Mewies AM

Rhodri Glyn Thomas AM






Officials present:


Claire Clancy, Chief Executive & Clerk of the Assembly

Craig Stephenson, Director of Commission Services

Dave Tosh, Director of Resources

Nicola Callow, Director of Finance

Donna Davies, Head of Pensions

Sulafa Thomas, Head of Commission Secretariat







Others in attendance:


David Melding AM, Deputy Presiding Officer






1      Introduction




1.1  Introduction and apologies


There were no apologies.




1.2  Declarations of interest


Peter Black AM and David Melding AM asked that the records note that they are trustees of the current Assembly Members’ Pension Scheme.




1.3  Minutes of the previous meeting


The minutes of 21 October were agreed.




2      Assembly Members' Pension Scheme


Commissioners were provided with information about the work the Pensions Team are doing to implement and communicate the changes to the Assembly Members’ Pension Scheme made by the Remuneration Board.


The new Pensions Board will be made up of:

•        A professional Independent Trustee to act as chair.

•        Two representatives nominated by current and previous Assembly Members.

•        Two representatives appointed by the Assembly Commission.


The Pensions Team will arrange the appointment of all members of the Pensions Board in readiness for May 2016. Commissioners asked that, as well as writing to all members asking them if they wish to stand as a Member Nominated Trustee, group offices be contacted.


Commissioners agreed that the Accounting Officer should be responsible, in consultation with Commissioners, for identifying and nominating the Commission representatives on the new Pensions Board.




3      KPI Report April - September 2015


The Commission considered the first report on the corporate performance of the Commission for the financial year 2015-16.


Commissioners commented particularly on detail of sickness absence, visitor numbers and participation in CPD. They also suggested that some of the indicators could be refreshed and that it was useful to be able to make comparisons over time.


The Commission agreed to publish the report, along with a letter to the Finance Committee. The next report will be produced and published after the end of March 2016.




4      Any other business


Commissioners thanked the Deputy Presiding Officer for the work he had done on the Commission budget.


The following issues were considered, and agreed, by correspondence in the period prior to this meeting:

·         Proposals to replace the CCTV system on the Assembly Estate. This issue had been considered at the 17 September meeting and Commissioners had been provided with further information to enable them to come to a final conclusion.

